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Письмо Центрального банка Российской Федерации от 12.05.2011 № 69-ТЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ БАНК РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (БАНК РОССИИ) П И С Ь М О от 12 мая 2011 г. N 69-Т г. Москва Главные управления (национальные банки) Центрального банка Российской Федерации О мерах по выполнению резолюций Совета Безопасности ООН в отношении Демократической Республики Конго По информации, полученной из Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации, решением Комитета Совета Безопасности ООН, учрежденного резолюцией Совета Безопасности ООН 1533 от 12 марта 2004 г., с 1 декабря 2010 года обновлен список физических и юридических лиц, на которых распространяется действие мер, предусмотренных пунктом 15 резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН 1596 (2005) с учетом последующих резолюций Совета Безопасности ООН в отношении Демократической Республики Конго (далее - список). В связи с этим в целях обеспечения исполнения положений указов Президента Российской Федерации от 24 июня 2005 г. N 720 "О мерах по выполнению резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН 1596 от 18 апреля 2005 г." и от 17 октября 2008 г. N 1490 "О мерах в связи с принятием резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН 1807 от 31 марта 2008 г." направляет-cя актуализированный список. Доведите настоящее письмо до сведения кредитных организаций. Приложение: на 15 листах. Заместитель Председателя Банка России В.Н. МЕЛЬНИКОВ Приложение к письму Банка России от 12.05.2011 N 69-Т Список физических и юридических лиц, на которых распространяется действие мер, предусмотренных пунктами 13 и 15 резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН 1596 от 18 апреля 2005 г., применяемыми с учетом последующих резолюций Совета Безопасности ООН в отношении Демократической Республики Конго |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |LAST NAME |FIRST |ALIAS |DATE OF BIRTH / | | ФАМИЛИЯ |NAME |ПСЕВДОНИМЫ |PLACE OF BIRTH | | |ИМЯ | |ДАТА РОЖДЕНИЯ / | | | | |МЕСТО РОЖДЕНИЯ | | | | | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |BWAMBALE |Frank |Frank Kakorere | | | |Kakolele |Frank Kakorere | | | | |Bwambale | | | | | | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |IYAMUREMYE |Gaston |Rumuli |1948 | | | | | | | | |Byiringiro |Musanze District | | | |Victor Rumuli |(Northern Province),| | | | | | | | |Victor Rumuri |Rwanda Ruhengeri, | | | | |Rwanda | | | |Michel | | | | |Byiringiro | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |KAKWAVU |Jerome |Jerome Kakwavu | | |BUKANDE | | | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |KATANGA |Germain | | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |LUBANGA |Thomas |Ituri | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MANDRO |Khawa |Kawa Panga |20 August 1973, | | |Panga | |Bunia | | | | | | | | |Kawa Panga | | | | |Mandro | | | | | | | | | |Kawa Mandro | | | | | | | | | |Yves Andoul | | | | |Karim | | | | | | | | | |Mandro Panga | | | | |Kahwa | | | | | | | | | |Yves Khawa | | | | |Panga Mandro | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MBARUSHIMA-|Callixte | |24 July 1963, | |NA | | |Ndusu/Ruhen geri | | | | |Northern Province, | | | | |Rwanda | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MPAMO |Iruta |Mpano |28 December 1965, | | |Douglas | |Bashali, Masisi | | | |Douglas Iruta | | | | |Mpamo |29 December 1965, | | | | |Goma, DRC | | | | |(formerly Zaire) | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MUDACUMURA |Sylvestre| | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MUGARAGU |Leodomir |Manzi Leon |1954 | | | | | | | | |Leo Manzi |1953 | | | | | | | | | |Kigali, Rwanda | | | | | | | | | |Rushashi (Northern | | | | |Province), Rwanda | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MUJYAMBERE |Leopold |Musenyeri |17 March 1962, | | | | |Kigali, Rwanda | | | |Achille | | | | | |Est. 1966 | | | |Frere Petrus | | | | |Ibrahim | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MURWANASHY-|Dr. |Ignace |14 May 1963, Butera | |AKA | Ignace | |(Rwanda) | | | | | | | | | |Ngoma, Butare | | | | |(Rwanda) | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MUSONI |Straton |IO Musoni |6 April 1961 | | | | |(possibly 4 June | | | | |1961) Mugambazi, | | | | |Kigali, Rwanda | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MUTEBUTSI |Jules |Jules Mutebusi |South Kivu | | | | | | | | |Jules Mutebuzi | | | | | | | | | |Colonel | | | | |Mutebutsi | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |NGUDJOLO |Mathieu, |Cui Ngudjolo | | | |Chui | | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |NJABU |Floribert|Floribert Njabu | | | |Ngabu | | | | | | | | | | |Floribert Ndjabu| | | | | | | | | |Floribert Ngabu | | | | |Ndjabu | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |NKUNDA |Laurent |Nkunda Mihigo |6 February 1967 | | | |Laurent |North Kivu/Rutshuru | | | | | | | | |Laurent Nkunda |2 February 1967 | | | |Bwatare | | | | | | | | | |Laurent | | | | |Nkundabatware | | | | | | | | | |Laurent Nkunda | | | | |Mahoro Batware | | | | | | | | | |Laurent Nkunda | | | | |Batware | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |NSANZUBUKI-|Felicien |Fred Irakeza |1967 | |RE | | | | | | | |Murama, | | | | |Kinyinya, | | | | |Rubungo, | | | | |Kigali, | | | | |Rwanda | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |NTAWUNGUKA |Pacifique|Colonel Omega |1 January 1964, | | | | |Gaseke, Gisenyi | | | |Nzeri |Province, Rwanda | | | | | | | | |Israel |Est. 1964 | | | | | | | | |Pacifique | | | | |Ntawungula | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |NYAKUNI |James | | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |NZEYIMANA |Stanislas|Deogratias |1 January 1966, | | | |Bigaruka |Mugusa (Butare), | | | |Izabayo |Rwanda | | | | | | | | |Bigaruka |Est. 1967 | | | | | | | | |Bigurura |Alt. 28 August 1966 | | | | | | | | |Izabayo Deo | | | | | | | | | |Jules Mateso | | | | |Mlamba | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |OZIA MAZIO |Dieudonne|Ozia Mazio |6 June 1949, Ariwara| |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |TAGANDA |Bosco |Bosco Ntaganda | | | | | | | | | |Bosco Ntagenda | | | | |General Taganda | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |ZIMURINDA |Innocent | |September 1, 1972 | | | | | | | | | |1975 | | | | | | | | | |Ngungu, Masisi | | | | |Territory, North | | | | |Kivu Province, DRC | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |BUTEMBO | | |Butembo, DRC | |AIRLINES | | | | |(BAL) | | | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |CONGOCOM | | |Butembo, DRC | |TRADING | | |Tel: | |HOUSE | | |+253 (0) 99 983 784 | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |COMPAGNIE | | |CAGL Avenue | |AERIENNE | | |President Mobutu | |DES | | |Goma, DRC | |GRANDS LACS| | |(CAGL also has | |(CAGL) | | |an office in | | | | |Gisenyi, | |GREAT LAKES| | |Rwanda) | |BUSINESS | | | | |COMPANY | | |GLBC, PO Box 315, | |(GLBC) | | |Goma, DRC | | | | |(GLBC also has | | | | |an office in | | | | |Gisenyi, | | | | |Rwanda) | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |MACHANGA | | |Kampala, Uganda | |LTD | | | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |TOUS POUR | |TPD |Goma, North Kivu | |LA PAIX ET | | | | |LE | | | | |DEVELOPPE- | | | | |MENT | | | | |(NGO) | | | | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |UGANDA | | |Kajoka Street | |COMMERCIAL | | |Kisemente Kampala, | |IMPEX (UCI)| | |Uganda | |LTD | | |Tel: | | | | |+ 256 41 533 578/9; | | | | |Alternative address:| | | | |PO Box 22709 | | | | |Kampala, Uganda | |———————————|—————————|————————————————|————————————————————| |—————————————————————————————————————| |PASSPORT / | |IDENTIFYING INFORMATION | |ПАСПОРТ / | |ИДЕНТИФИKАЦИОННЫЕ | |ДАННЫЕ | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Left the CNDP in January 2008. As of | |December 2008 resides in Kinshasa | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Second Vice President of FDLR | | | |Brigadier General | | | |As of November 2010, resides | |either in Kibua, North Kivu, | |DRC, or in Aru, Orientale | |Province, DRC | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Congolese | | | |Known as: | |'Commandant Jerome' | | | |As of June 2010, has been arrested | |and is now being held in Kinshasa | |central prison. Judicial proceedings | |have been initiated against him and | |two other of the five senior FARDC | |officers | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Congolese | | | |Under house arrest in Kinshasa from | |March 2005 for FRPI involvement in | |human rights abuses. | | | |Handed over by the Government of the | |DRC to the International Criminal | |Court on 18 October 2007 | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Congolese | | | |Arrested in Kinshasa in March 2005 | |for UPC/L involvement in human | |rights abuses violations. | | | |Transferred to the ICC by the | |Congolese authorities on 17 | |March 2006. | | | |As of December 2008 is | |being tried for war crimes | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Congolese | | | |Known as: "Chief Kahwa" | |"Kawa" | | | |Arrested by Congolese authorities in | |October 2005, acquitted by the Court | |of Appeal in Kisangani, subsequently | |transferred to the judicial | |authorities in Kinshasa on new | |charges of crimes against humanity, | |war crimes, murder, aggravated | |assault and battery | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Rwandan | | | |Current location: Paris or | |Thais, France | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Congolese | | | |Based in Goma and Gisenyi, Rwanda. | |Frequently travels across | |international border between Rwanda | |and Congo. | | | |Address: | |Bld Kanyamuhanga 52, Goma | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Rwandan | | | |Known as: "Radja" "Mupenzi Bernard" | |"General Major Mupenzi" "General | |Mudacumura" | | | |As of November 2009, continues to | |serve as FDLR-FOCA military | |commander. | | | |Based in Kibua, Masisi territory, | |DRC | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Address: Katoyi, North Kivu, | |DRC | | | |FDLR/FOCA Chief of Staff | | | |Brigadier General | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Rwandan | | | |Rank: Colonel | | | |Current location: Mwenga, South Kivu,| |DRC | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Rwandan | |Resident in Germany | | | |As of November 2009, still recognized| |as the President of the FDLR-FOCA | |political branch and supreme | |commander of the FDLR armed forces. | | | |Arrested by German Federal Police on | |17 November 2009 on suspicion of | |committing crimes against humanity | |and war crimes in the DRC, as well as| |on the basis of other charges related| |to the forming and membership of a | |foreign terrorist organization | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Rwandan passport expired | |on 10 September 2004 | | | |Resident in Neuffen, Germany | | | |As of November 2009, still recognized| |as the 1st Vice President of the | |FDLR-FOCA political branch and | |President of the FDLR military high | |command. | | | |Arrested by German Federal Police on | |17 November 2009 on suspicion of | |committing crimes against humanity | |and war crimes in the DRC, as well | |as on the basis of other charges | |related to the forming and membership| |of a foreign terrorist organization | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Congolese (South Kivu) | | | |Arrested by the Rwandan authorities | |in December 2007 when he tried to | |cross the border into the DRC. | |Reportedly he is currently | |"restrained." | |—————————————————————————————————————| |'Colonel' or 'General' Surrendered by| |the Government of the DRC to the | |International Criminal Court on 7 | |February 2008 | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Arrested and placed under house | |arrest in Kinshasa from March 2005 | |for FNI involvement in human rights | |abuses | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Congolese | | | |Known as: "Chairman" "General Nkunda"| |"Papa Six" | | | |Arrested on Rwandan soil in January | |2009 and subsequently replaced as | |commander of the CNDP in North Kivu | |—————————————————————————————————————| |—————————————————————————————————————| |Rwandan | | | |Rank: Colonel | | | |Current Location: | |Peti, Walikale - Masisis border, DRC | | | |Other: | |Received military training in Egypt | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Ugandan | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Rwandan | | | |As of November 2009, recognized as | |Major General Stanislas Nzeyimana, | |FDLR Deputy Commander. | | | |Current location: | |Kalonge, Masisi, North Kivu, DRC or | |Kibua, DRC. | | | |Frequent travel to Kigoma | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Congolese | | | |Known as: 'Omari' 'Mr Oman' | | | |Deceased in Ariwara on 23 | |September 2008 | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Congolese | | | |Known as: | |'Terminator' | |'Major' | | | |As of November 2009, de facto | |military head of CNDP following | |arrest of General Laurent Nkunda | |in January 2009. Former chief of | |staff of the CNDP. Based in Bunagana | |and Rutshuru. | | | |Since appointment as the de facto | |military head of CNDP in January | |2009, has been instructed to manage | |integration into FARDC and given the | |post of deputy operational commander | |for Kimia II although this is | |officially denied by FARDC | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Lt. Col. | | | |According to open-source and official| |reporting, Lt Col Innocent Zimurinda | |was an officer in the Congres | |National pour la Defense du Peuple | |(CNDP) which was integrated into | |Forces Armees de la Republique | |Democratique du Congo (FARDC) in | |early 2009 | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Privately-owned airline, operates out| |of Butembo | | | |As of December 2008, BAL no longer | |holds an aircraft operating license | |in the DRC | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Gold trading house in Butembo | |—————————————————————————————————————| |As of December 2008, GLBC no longer | |had any operational aircraft, | |although several aircraft continued | |flying in 2008 despite UN sanctions | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Gold export company in Kampala | |(Directors: | |Mr. Rajendra Kumar Vaya and | |Mr. Hirendra M. Vaya) | |—————————————————————————————————————| |As of December 2008, TPD still | |existed and had offices in several | |towns in Masisi and Rutshuru | |territories, but its activities had | |almost ceased | |—————————————————————————————————————| |Gold export company in Kampala. | |(Directors: | |Mr. J. V. LODHIA - known as "Chuni" | |- and his son Mr. Kunal LODHIA) | |—————————————————————————————————————| |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| | DESIGNATION/ JUSTIFICATION | | ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Former RCD-ML leader, exercising influence over | |policies and maintaining command and control over | |the activities of RCD-ML forces, one of the armed | |groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of | |Res. 1493 (2003), responsible for trafficking of arms,| |in violation of the arms embargo | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |According to multiple sources, including the UNSC | |DRC Sanctions Committee's Group of Experts, | |Gaston Iyamuremye is the second vice president of | |the FDLR and is considered a core member of the | |FDLR military and political leadership. Gaston | |Iyamuremye also ran Ignace Murwanashyaka's | |(President of the FDLR) office in Kibua, DRC until | |December 2009 | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Former President of UCD/FAPC. FAPC's control of | |illegal border posts between Uganda and the DRC | |- a key transit route for arms flows. As President of | |the FAPC, he exercises influence over policies and | |maintains command and control over the activities of | |FAPC forces, which have been involved in arms | |trafficking and, consequently, in violations of the | |arms embargo. Given the rank of General in the | |FARDC in December 2004. | | | |According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and | |Armed Conflict, he was responsible for recruitment | |and use of children in Ituri in 2002. | | | |One of five senior FARDC officers who had been | |accused of serious crimes involving sexual violence | |and whose cases the Security Council had brought | |to the Government's attention during its visit in 2009| |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |FRPI chief. Appointed General in the FARDC in | |December 2004. Involved in weapons transfers, in | |violation of the arms embargo. | | | |According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and | |Armed Conflict, he was responsible for recruitment | |and use of children in Ituri from 2002 to 2003 | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |President of the UPC/L, one of the armed groups | |and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 | |(2003), involved in the trafficking of arms, in | |violation of the arms embargo. | | | |According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and | |Armed Conflict, he was responsible for recruitment | |and use of children in Ituri from 2002 to 2003 | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Ex-President of PUSIC, one of the armed groups | |and militia referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 | |(2003) involved in arms trafficking, in violation of | |the arms embargo. In prison in Bunia since 04/05 for | |sabotage of the Ituri peace process. | | | |According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and | |Armed Conflict, he was responsible for recruitment | |and use of children from 2001 to 2002 | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Executive Secretary of the FDLR and Vice-President | |of the FDLR military high command. | | | |Political/Military leader of a foreign armed group | |operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, | |impeding the disarmament and the voluntary | |repatriation and resettlement of combatants, per | |Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) OP 4 (b) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Owner/Manager of the Compagnie Aerienne des | |Grands Lacs and of Great Lakes Business | |Company, whose aircraft were used to provide | |assistance to armed groups and militias referred to | |in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003). Also | |responsible for disguising information on flights and | |cargo apparently to allow for the violation of the | |arms embargo | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |FDLR commander, exercising influence over | |policies, and maintaining command and control over | |the activities of FDLR forces, one of the armed | |groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of | |Res. 1493 (2003), involved in trafficking of arms, in | |violation of the arms embargo. | | | |Mudacumura (or staff) was in telephone | |communication with FDLR leader Murwanashyaka in | |Germany, including at the time of the Busurungi | |Massacre May 2009, and military commander Major | |Guillaume during Umoja Welu and Kimia 11 | |operations in 2009. | | | |According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and | |Armed Conflict, he was responsible for 27 cases of | |recruitment and use of children by troops under his | |command in North Kivu from 2002 to 2007 | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |According to open-source and official reporting, | |Leodomir Mugaragu is the Chief of Staff of the | |Forces Combattantes Abucunguzi/Combatant Force | |for the Liberation of Rwanda (FOCA), the FDLR's | |armed wing. According to official reporting | |Mugaragu is a senior planner for FDLR's military | |operations in the eastern DRC | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Commander of the Second Division of FOCA / the | |Reserve Brigades (an FDLR armed branch). Military | |leader of a foreign armed group operating in the | |Democratic Republic of the Congo, impeding the | |disarmament and the voluntary repatriation and | |resettlement of combatants, in violation of Security | |Council resolution 1857 (2008) OP 4 (b). In evidence | |collated by the UNSC DRC Sanctions Committee | |Group of Experts, detailed in its report of 13 | |February 2008, girls recovered from FDLR-FOCA | |had previously been abducted and sexually abused. | |Since mid-2007, FDLR-FOCA, which previously | |recruited boys in their mid to late teens, has been | |forcefully recruiting youth from the age of 10 years. | |The youngest are then used as escorts, and older | |children are deployed as soldiers on the frontline, in| |violation of Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) | |OP4 (d) and (e) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |President of the FDLR, and supreme commander of | |the FDLR armed forces exercising influence over | |policies, and maintaining command and control over | |the activities of FDLR forces, one of the armed | |groups and militias referred to in paragraph 20 of | |Res. 1493 (2003), involved in trafficking of arms, in | |violation of the arms embargo. | | | |In telephone communication with FDLR military field | |commanders (including during the Busurungi May | |2009 massacre); gave military orders to the high | |command; involved in coordinating the transfer of | |arms and ammunition to FDLR units and relaying | |specific instructions for use; managing large sums of | |money raised through illicit sale of natural resources| |in areas of FDLR control (pg. 24-25, 83). | | | |Traveled to Uganda in 2006 in violation of travel | |ban. | | | |According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and | |Armed Conflict, he held command responsibility as | |President and military commander of FDLR for | |recruitment and use of children by the FDLR in | |Eastern Congo | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Through his leadership of the FDLR, a foreign | |armed group operating in the DRC, Musoni is | |impeding the disarmament and voluntary repatriation | |or resettlement of combatants belonging to those | |groups, in breach of resolution 1649 (2005) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Former FARDC Deputy Military Regional | |Commander of 10th MR in April 2004, dismissed for | |indiscipline and joined forces with other renegade | |elements of former RCD-G to take town of Bukavu in | |May 04 by force. Implicated in the receipt of | |weapons outside of FARDC structures and provision | |of supplies to armed groups and militia mentioned in | |paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), in violation of the | |arms embargo | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |FNI Chief of Staff and former Chief of Staff of the | |FRPI, exercising influence over policies and | |maintaining command and control the activities of | |FRPI forces, one of the armed groups and militias | |referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003), | |responsible for trafficking of arms, in violation of | |the arms embargo. Arrested by MONUC in Bunia in | |October 2003. | | | |According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and | |Armed Conflict, he was responsible for recruitment | |and use of children under 15 years old in Ituri in | |2006 | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |President of FNI, one of the armed groups and | |militias referred to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 | |(2003), involved in the trafficking of arms, in | |violation of the arms embargo | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Former RCD-G General. Joined forces with other | |renegade elements of former RCD-G to take Bukavu | |in May 04 by force. In receipt of weapons outside of | |FARDC in violation of the arms embargo. Founder, | |National Congress for the People's Defense, 2006; | |Senior Officer, Rally for Congolese Democracy- | |Goma (RCD-G), 1998-2006; Officer Rwandan | |Patriotic Front (RPF), 1992-1998. | | | |According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and | |Armed Conflict, he was responsible for 264 cases of | |recruitment and use of children by troops under his | |command in North Kivu from 2002 to 2009. | | | |As of November 2009, despite arrest in Rwanda in | |January 2009 and removal as President of CNDP, | |retains some control over CNDP and its international | |network | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |According to multiple sources, Felicien | |Nsanzubukire is the 1st battalion leader of the FDLR, | |and is based in the Uvira-Sange area of South Kivu | | | |Felicien Nsanzubukire has been a member of the | |FDLR since at least 1994 and operating in eastern | |DRC since October 1998. | | | |The UNSC DRC Sanction Committee's Group of | |Experts reports that Felicien Nsanzubukire | |supervised and coordinated the trafficking of | |ammunition and weapons between at least | |November 2008 and April 2009 from the United | |Republic of Tanzania, via Lake Tanganyika, to | |FDLR units based in the Uvira and Fizi areas of | |South Kivu | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Commander of the First Division of FOCA (an FDLR | |armed branch). Military leader of a foreign armed | |group operating in the Democratic Republic of the | |Congo, impeding the disarmament and the voluntary | |repatriation and resettlement of combatants, in | |violation of Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) | |OP 4 (b). In evidence collated by the UNSC DRC | |Sanctions Committee Group of Experts, detailed in | |its report of 13 February 2008, girls recovered from | |FDLR-FOCA had previously been abducted and | |sexually abused. Since mid-2007, FDLR-FOCA, | |which previously recruited boys in their mid to late | |teens, has been forcefully recruiting youth from the | |age of 10 years. The youngest are then used as | |escorts, and older children are deployed as soldiers | |on the frontline, in violation of Security Council | |resolution 1857 (2008) OP4 (d) and (e) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Trade partnership with Commandant Jerome, | |particularl smuggling across the DRC/Uganda | |border, including suspected smuggling of weapons | |and military material in unchecked trucks. Violation | |of the arms embargo and provision of assistance to | |armed groups and militia referred to in paragraph 20 | |of Res. 1493 (2003), including financial support that | |allows them to operate militarily | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Deputy Commander of the FOCA (an FDLR armed | |branch). Military leader of a foreign armed group | |operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, | |impeding the disarmament and the voluntary | |repatriation and resettlement of combatants, in | |violation of Security Council resolution 1857 (2008) | |OP 4 (b). In evidence collated by the UNSC DRC | |Sanctions Committee Group of Experts, detailed in | |its report of 13 February 2008, girls recovered from | |FDLR-FOCA had previously been abducted and | |sexually abused. Since mid-2007, FDLR-FOCA, | |which previously recruited boys in their mid to late | |teens, has been forcefully recruiting youth from the | |age of 10 years. The youngest are then used as | |escorts, and older children are deployed as soldiers | |on the frontline, in violation of Security Council | |resolution 1857 (2008) OP4 (d) and (e) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |President of FEC in Aru territory. Financial | |schemes with Commandant Jerome and FAPC and | |smuggling across the DRC/Uganda border, | |allowing supplies and cash to be made available | |to Commandant Jerome and his troops. Violation | |of the arms embargo, including by providing | |assistance to armed groups and militia referred | |to in paragraph 20 of Res. 1493 (2003) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |UPC/L military commander, exercising influence | |over policies and maintaining command and control | |over the activities of UPC/L, one of the | |armed groups and militias referred to in paragraph | |20 of Res. 1493 (2003), involved in the trafficking | |of arms, in violation of the arms embargo. He | |was appointed General in the FARDC in December 2004 | |but refused to accept the promotion, therefore | |remaining outside of the FARDC. | | | |According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and | |Armed Conflict, he was responsible for recruitment | |and use of children in Ituri in 2002 and | |2003, and 155 cases of direct and/or command | |responsibility for recruitment and use of children in | |North Kivu from 2002 to 2009. | | | |As CNDP Chief of Staff, had direct and command | |responsibility for the massacre at Kiwanja | |(November 2008) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |According to multiple sources, Lt Col Innocent | |Zimurinda, in his capacity as one of the commanders of| |the FARDC 231st Brigade, gave orders that resulted in | |the massacre of over 100 Rwandan refugees, mostly | |women and children, during an April 2009 military | |operation in the Shalio area. | | | |The UNSC DRC Sanctions Committee's Group of Experts | |reported that Ll Col Innocent Zimurinda was witnessed | |first hand refusing to release three children from his| |command in Kalehe, on August 29, 2009. | | | |According to multiple sources, Lt Col Innocent | |Zimurinda, prior to the CNDP's integration into FARDC,| |participated in a November 2008 CNDP operation that | |resulted in the massacre of 89 civilians, including | |women and children, in the region of Kiwanja. | | | |In March 2010, 51 human rights groups working in | |eastern DRC posted a complaint online alleging that | |Lt Col Innocent Zimurinda was responsible for multiple| |human rights abuses involving the murder of numerous | |civilians, including women and children, between | |February 2007 and August 2007. Lt Col Innocent | |Zimurinda has also been accused in the same complaint | |to be responsible for the rape of a large number of | |women and girls. | | | |According to a May 21, 2010, statement by the Special | |Representative of the Secretary General for Children | |and Armed Conflict, Innocent Zimurinda has been | |involved in the arbitrary execution of child soldiers,| |including during operation Kimia II. According to the | |same statement, he denied access by the UN Mission in | |the DRC (MONUC) to screen troops for minors. According| |to the UNSC DRC Sanctions Committee's Group of | |Experts, Lt Col Zimurinda holds direct and command | |responsibility for child recruitment and for | |maintaining children within troops under his command | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Kisoni Kambale (deceased on 5 July 2007 and | |subsequently de-listed on 24 April 2008) used his | |airline to transport FNI gold, rations and weapons | |between Mongbwalu and Butembo. This constitutes | |'provision of assistance' to illegal armed groups in | |breach of the arms embargo of resolutions 1493 | |(2003) and 1596 (2005) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |CONGOCOM was owned by Kisoni Kambale | |(deceased o 5 July 2007 and subsequently de-listed | |on 24 April 2008). Kambale acquired almost all the | |gold production in the Mongbwalu district, which is | |controlled by the FNI. The FNI derive substantial | |income from taxes imposed on this production. This | |constitutes 'provision of assistance' to illegal armed| |groups in breach of the arms embargo of resolutions | |1493 (2003) and 1596 (2005) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |CAGL and GLBC are companies owned by Douglas | |MPAMO, an individual already subject to sanctions | |under resolution 1596 (2005). CAGL and GLBC | |were used to transport arms and ammunition in | |violation of the arms embargo of resolutions 1493 | |(2003) and 1596 (2005) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |MACHANGA bought gold through a regular | |commercial relationship with traders in the DRC | |tightly linked to militias. This constitutes | |'provision of assistance' to illegal armed groups in | |breach of the arms embargo of resolutions 1493 (2003) | |and 1596 (2005) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Implicated in violation of the arms embargo, by | |providing assistance to RCD-G, particularly in | |supplying trucks to transport arms and troops, and | |also by transporting weapons to be distributed to | |parts of the population in Masisi and Rutshuru, North | |Kivu, in early 2005 | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |UCI bought gold through a regular commercial | |relationship with traders in the DRC tightly linked to| |militias. This constitutes 'provision of assistance' | |to illegal armed groups in breach of the arms embargo | |of resolutions 1493 (2003) and 1596 (2005) | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————| Информация по документуЧитайте также
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