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Письмо Центрального банка Российской Федерации от 09.06.2011 № 86-Т


                           (БАНК РОССИИ)

                            П И С Ь М О

                     от 09 июня 2011 г. N 86-Т
                             г. Москва

                                                 Главные управления
                                               (национальные банки)
                                                 Центрального банка
                                               Российской Федерации

                  О мерах по выполнению резолюции
                      Совета Безопасности ООН
                     в отношении Кот-д'Ивуара

     По информации,  полученной  из  Министерства  иностранных  дел
Российской  Федерации,  Советом  Безопасности ООН принята резолюция
1975 от 30 марта 2011 г.,  дополняющая список  физических  лиц,  на
которых  распространяется действие мер,  предусмотренных пунктом 11
резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН 1572 от 15 ноября 2004 г.  (далее
- список).
     В связи с этим в целях обеспечения исполнения Указа Президента
Российской  Федерации  от  2  февраля  2005  г.  N  117 "О мерах по
выполнению резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН 1572 от 15 ноября 2004
г.",   предусматривающего   санкции   в   отношении   Кот-д'Ивуара,
направляем актуализированный список.
     Доведите настоящее письмо до сведения кредитных организаций.
     Приложение: на 3 листах.

     Заместитель Председателя
     Банка России                          В.Н. МЕЛЬНИКОВ

                                              к письму Банка России
                                               от 09.06.2011 N 86-Т

            физических лиц, на которых распространяется
             действие мер, предусмотренных пунктом 11
              резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН 1572
                      от 15 ноября 2004 года

     |LAST NAME |FIRST   |  ALIAS   |       DATE OF BIRTH /      |
     | ФАМИЛИЯ  |NAME    |ПСЕВДОНИМ |      PLACE OF BIRTH /      |
     |          |ИМЯ     |          |        NATIONALITY         |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |       ДАТА РОЖДЕНИЯ /      |
     |          |        |          |       МЕСТО РОЖДЕНИЯ /     |
     |          |        |          |       НАЦИОНАЛЬНОСТЬ       |
     |BLE       |Charles |General;  |01.01.1972                  |
     |GOUDE     |        |Genie de  |                            |
     |          |        |kpo;      |                            |
     |          |        |Gbape Zadi|Ivorian                     |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Place of Birth:             |
     |          |        |          |Guiberoua (Gagnoa)          |
     |          |        |          |or Niagbrahio/Guiberoua     |
     |          |        |          |or Guiberoua                |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Address known in 2001:      |
     |          |        |          |Yopougon Selmer, Bloc P     |
     |          |        |          |170; also at Hotel Ivoire   |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Address declared in travel  |
     |          |        |          |document n. C2310421        |
     |          |        |          |issued by Switzerland       |
     |          |        |          |on 15.11.05 and valid       |
     |          |        |          |until 31.12.05:             |
     |          |        |          |Abidjan, Cocody             |
     |DJEDJE    |Alcide  |          |20.10.1956                  |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Ivorian                     |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Place of birth:             |
     |          |        |          |Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire      |
     |DJUE      |Eugene  |          |01.01.1966 or               |
     |          |N'goran |          |20.12.1969                  |
     |          |Kouadio |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Ivorian                     |
     |FOFIE     |Martin  |          |01.01.1968                  |
     |          |Kouakou |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Ivorian                     |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Place of Birth:             |
     |          |        |          |BOHI, Cote d'Ivoire         |
     |GBAGBO    |Laurent |          |31.05.1945                  |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Ivorian                     |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Place of birth:             |
     |          |        |          |Gagnoa, Cote d'Ivoire       |
     |GBAGBO    |Simone  |          |20.06.1949                  |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Ivorian                     |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Place of birth:             |
     |          |        |          |Moossou, Grand-Bassam,      |
     |          |        |          |Cote d'Ivoire               |
     |N'GUESSAN |Pascal  |          |01.01.1953                  |
     |          |Affi    |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Ivorian                     |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Place of birth:             |
     |          |        |          |Bouadriko, Cote d'Ivoire    |
     |TAGRO     |Desire  |          |27.01.1959                  |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Ivorian                     |
     |          |        |          |                            |
     |          |        |          |Place of birth:             |
     |          |        |          |Issia, Cote d'Ivoire        |
     |         INFORMATION       |
     |                           |
     |          ПАСПОРТ /        |
     |     ИДЕНТИФИKАЦИОННЫЕ     |
     |          ДАННЫЕ           |
     |P.: 04LE66241              |
     |Republique de Cote d'Ivoire|
     |Issued on: 10.11.2005      |
     |Valid until: 09.11.2008PD.:|
     |                           |
     |AE/088 DH 12               |
     |Republique de Cote d'Ivoire|
     |Issued on: 20.12.2002      |
     |Valid until 11.12.05       |
     |                           |
     |P.: 98LC39292              |
     |Republique de Cote d'Ivoire|
     |Issued on: 24.11.2000      |
     |Valid until: 23.11.2003    |
     |                           |
     |P.: 04 LE 017521           |
     |issued on 10 February 2005 |
     |and valid until            |
     |10 February 2008           |
     |Burkina Faso Identity Card |
     |Number: 2096927            |
     |Issued on: 17 March 2005   |
     |Burkina Faso Nationality   |
     |Certificate: CNB N.076     |
     |(17 February 2003)         |
     |Father's Name:             |
     |Yao Koffi FOFIE            |
     |Mother's Name:             |
     |Ama Krouama KOSSONOU       |
     |                           |
     |Cote d'Ivoire Identity Card|
     |Number: 970860100249       |
     |Issued on: 5 August 1997   |
     |Valid until: 5 August 2007 |
     |                           |
     |                           |
     |Passport Number:           |
     |PD - AE 09DD00013          |
     |Passport Number:           |
     |PD - AE 065FH08            |
     |             DESIGNATION/ JUSTIFICATION                |
     |                                                       |
     |                    ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ                       |
     |Leader of COJEP ("Young Patriots"), repeated public    |
     |statements advocating violence against United Nations  |
     |installations and personnel, and against foreigners;   |
     |direction of and participation in acts of violence     |
     |by street militias, including beatings, rapes and      |
     |extrajudicial killings; intimidation of the United     |
     |Nations, the International Working Group (IWG),        |
     |the political opposition and independent press;        |
     |sabotage of international radio stations; obstacle     |
     |to the action of the IWG, the United Nations           |
     |Operation in Cote d'Ivoire, (UNOCI), the French        |
     |Forces and to the peace process as defined by          |
     |resolution 1643 (2005)                                 |
     |Close advisor to Mr. Gbagbo: participation in the      |
     |illegitimate government of Mr. Gbagbo, obstruction     |
     |of the peace and reconciliation process, public        |
     |incitement to hatred and violence                      |
     |Leader of the Union des Patriotes pour la Liberation   |
     |Totale de la Cote d'Ivoire (UPLTCI). Repeated public   |
     |statements advocating violence against United Nations  |
     |installations and personnel, and against foreigners;   |
     |direction of and participation in acts of violence     |
     |by street militias, including beatings, rapes and      |
     |extrajudicial killings; obstacle to the action of IWG, |
     |UNOCI, the French forces and to the peace process      |
     |as defined by resolution 1643 (2005)                   |
     |Chief Corporal New Force Commandant, Korhogo           |
     |Sector. Forces under his command engaged               |
     |in recruitment of child soldiers, abductions,          |
     |imposition of forced labor, sexual abuse of women,     |
     |arbitrary arrests and extra-judicial killings, contrary|
     |to human rights conventions and to international       |
     |humanitarian law; obstacle to the action of the IWG,   |
     |UNOCI, French Forces and to the peace process          |
     |as defined by resolution 1643 (2005)                   |
     |Former President of Cote d'Ivoire: obstruction         |
     |of the peace and reconciliation process, rejection     |
     |of the results of the presidential election            |
     |Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group of the Ivorian  |
     |Popular front (FPI): obstruction of the peace and      |
     |reconciliation process, public incitement to hatred    |
     |and violence                                           |
     |Chairman of the Ivorian Popular front (FPI):           |
     |obstruction of the peace and reconciliation process,   |
     |incitement to hatred and violence                      |
     |Secretary-General of the so-called "presidency"        |
     |of Mr. Gbagbo: participation in the illegitimate       |
     |government of Mr. Gbagbo, obstruction of the peace     |
     |and reconciliation process, rejection of the results   |
     |of the presidential election, participation in violent |
     |repressions of popular movements                       |

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