<ПЕРЕСМОТРЕННЫЙ ТЕКСТ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ КОНВЕНЦИИ ПО ЗАЩИТЕ РАСТЕНИЙ, ЗАКЛЮЧЕННОЙ В РИМЕ 6 ДЕКАБРЯ 1951 ГОДА> [англ.](Одобрен в г. Риме 28.11.1979 Резолюцией 14/79 на 20-ой сессии Конференции ФАО)

(Rome, 28.XI.1979)
The contracting parties, recognizing the usefulness of international cooperation in controlling pests of plants and plant products and in preventing their spread, and especially their introduction across national boundaries, and desiring to ensure close coordination of measures directed to these ends, have agreed as follows:
Article I
Purpose and Responsibility
1. With the purpose of securing common and effective action to prevent the spread and introduction of pests of plants and plant products and to promote measures for their control, the contracting parties undertake to adopt the legislative, technical and administrative measures specific in this Convention and in supplementary agreements pursuant to Article III.
2. Each contracting party shall assume responsibility for the fulfillment within its territories of all requirements under this Convention.
Article II
1. For the purpose of this Convention the term "plants" shall comprise living plants and parts thereof, including seeds in so far as the supervision of their importation under Article VI of the Convention or the issue of phytosanitary certificates in respect of them under Articles IV (1) (a) (iv) and V of this Convention may be deemed necessary by contracting parties; and the term "plant products" shall comprise unmanufactured material of plant origin (including seeds in so far as they are not included in the term "plants") and those manufactured products which, by their nature or that of their processing, may create a risk for the spread of pests.
2. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "pest" means any form of plant or animal life, or any pathogenic agent, injurious or potentially injurious to plants or plant products; and the term "quarantine pest" means a pest of potential national economic importance to the country endangered thereby and not yet present there, or present but not widely distributed and being actively controlled.
3. Where appropriate, the provisions of this Convention may be deemed by contracting parties to extend to storage places, conveyances, containers and any other object or material capable of harbouring or spreading plant pests, particularly where international transportation is involved.
4. This Convention applies mainly to quarantine pests involved with international trade.
5. The definitions set forth in this Article, being limited to the application of this Convention, shall not be deemed to affect definitions established under domestic laws or regulations or contracting parties.
Article III
Supplementary Agreements
1. Supplementary agreements applicable to specific regions, to specific pests, to specific plants and plant products, to specific methods of international transportation of plants and plant products, or otherwise supplementing the provisions of this Convention, may be proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as "FAO") on the recommendation of a contracting party or on its own initiative, to meet special problems of plant protection which need particular attention or action.
2. Any such supplementary agreements shall come into force for each contracting party after acceptance in accordance with the provisions of the FAO Constitution and General Rules of the Organization.
Article IV
National Organization for Plant Protection
1. Each contracting party shall make provision, as soon as possible and to the best of its ability, for
(a) an official plant protection organization with the following main functions:
(i) the inspection of growing plants, of areas under cultivation (including fields, plantations, nurseries, gardens and greenhouses), and of plants and plant products in storage or in transportation, particularly with the object of reporting the existence, outbreak and spread of plant pests and of controlling those pests;
(ii) the inspection of consignments of plants and plant products moving in international traffic, and, where appropriate, the inspection of consignments of other articles or commodities moving in international traffic under conditions where they may act incidentally as carriers of pests of plants and plant products, and the inspection and supervision of storage and transportation facilities of all kinds involved in international traffic whether of plants and plant products or of other commodities, particularly with the object of preventing the dissemination across national boundaries of pests of plants and plant products;
(iii) the disinfestation or disinfection of consignments of plants and plant products moving in international traffic, and their containers (including packing material or matter of any kind accompanying plants or plant products), storage places, or transportation facilities of all kinds employed;
(iv) the issuance of certificates relating to phytosanitary condition and origin of consignments of plants and plant products (hereinafter referred to as "phytosanitary certificates");
(b) the distribution of information within the country regarding the pests of plants and plant products and the means of their prevention and control;
(c) research and investigation in the field of plant protection.
2. Each contracting party shall submit a description of the scope of its national organization for plant protection and of changes in such organization to the Director-General of FAO, who shall circulate such information to all contracting parties.
Article V
Phytosanitary Certificates
1. Each contracting party shall make arrangements for the issuance of phytosanitary certificates to accord with the plant protection regulations of other contracting parties, and in conformity with the following provisions:
(a) Inspection shall be carried out and certificates issued only by or under the authority of technically qualified and duly authorized officers and in such circumstances and with such knowledge and information available to those officers that the authorities of importing countries may accept such certificates with confidence as dependable documents.
(b) Each certificate for the export or re-export of plants or plant products shall be as worded in the Annex to this Convention.
(c) Uncertified alterations or erasures shall invalidate the certificates.
2. Each contracting party undertakes not to require consignments of plants or plant products imported into its territories to be accompanied by phytosanitary certificates inconsistent with the models set out in the Annex to this Convention. Any requirement for additional declarations shall be kept to a minimum.
Article VI
Requirements in Relation to Imports
1. With the aim of preventing the introduction of pests of plants and plant products into their territories, contracting parties shall have full authority to regulate the entry of plants and plant products and to this end, may:
(a) prescribe restrictions or requirements concerning the importation of plants or plant products;
(b) prohibit the importation of particular plants or plant products, or of particular consignments of plants or plant products;
(c) inspect or detain particular consignments of plants or plant products;
(d) treat, destroy or refuse entry to particular consignments of plants or plant products which do not comply with the requirements prescribed under sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph, or require such consignments to be treated or destroyed or removed from the country;
(e) list pests whose introduction is prohibited or restricted because they are of potential economic importance to the country concerned.
2. In order to minimize interference with international trade, each contracting party undertakes to carry out the provisions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in conformity with the following:
(a) Contracting parties shall not, under their plant protection legislation, take any of the measures specified in paragraph 1 of this Article unless such measures are made necessary by phytosanitary considerations.
(b) if a contracting party prescribes any restrictions or requirements concerning the importation of plants and plant products into its territories, it shall publish the restrictions or requirements and communicate them immediately to FAO, any regional plant protection organization of which the contracting party is a member and all other contracting parties directly concerned.
(c) If a contracting party prohibits, under the provisions of its plant protection legislation, the importation of any plants or plant product, it shall publish its decision with reasons and shall immediately inform FAO, any regional plant protection organization of which the contracting party is a member and all other contracting parties directly concerned.
(d) If a contracting party requires consignments of particular plants or plant products to be imported only through specified points of entry, such points shall be so selected as not unnecessarily to impede international commerce. The contracting party shall publish a list of such points of entry and communicate it to FAO, any regional plant protection organization of which the contracting party is a member and all other contracting parties directly concerned. Such restrictions on points of entry shall not be made unless the plants or plant products concerned are required to be accompanied by phytosanitary certificates or to be submitted to inspection or treatment.
(e) Any inspection by the plant protection organization of a contracting party of consignments of plants or plant products offered for importation shall take place as promptly as possible with due regard to the perishability of the plants or plant products concerned. If any commercial or certified consignment of plants or plant products is found not to conform to the requirements of the plant protection legislation of the importing country, the plant protection organization of the importing country must ensure that the plant protection organization of the exporting country is properly and adequately informed. If the consignment is destroyed, in whole or in part, an official report shall be forwarded immediately to the plant protection organization of the exporting country.
(f) Contracting parties shall make provisions which, without endangering their own plant production, will keep certification requirements to a minimum, particularly for plants or plant products not intended for planting, such as cereals, fruits, vegetables and cut flowers.
(g) Contracting parties may make provisions, with adequate safeguards, for the importation for purposes of scientific research or education, of plants and plant products and of specimens of plant pests. Adequate safeguards likewise need to be taken when introducing biological control agents and organisms claimed to be beneficial.
3. The measures specified in this Article shall not be applied to goods in transit throughout the territories of contracting parties unless such measures are necessary for the protection of their own plants.
4. FAO shall disseminate information received on importation restrictions, requirements, prohibitions and regulations (as specified in paragraph 2 (b), (c) and (d) of this Article) at frequent intervals to all contracting parties and regional plant protection organizations.
Article VII
International Cooperation
The contracting parties shall cooperate with one another to the fullest practicable extent in achieving the aims of this Convention, in particular as follows:
(a) Each contracting party agrees to cooperate with FAO in the establishment of a world reporting service on plant pests, making full use of the facilities and services of existing organizations for this purpose, and, when this is established, to furnish to FAO periodically, for distribution by FAO to the contracting parties, the following information:
(i) reports on the existence, outbreak and spread of economically important pests of plants and plane products which may be of immediate or potential danger;
(ii) information on means found to be effective in controlling the pests of plants and plant products.
(b) Each contracting party shall, as far as is practicable, participate in any special campaigns for combating particular destructive pests which may seriously threaten crop production and need international action to meet the emergencies.
Article VIII
Regional Plant Protection Organizations
1. The contracting parties undertake to cooperate with one another in establishing regional plant protection organizations in appropriate areas.
2. The regional plant protection organizations shall function as the coordinating bodies in the areas covered, shall participate in various activities to achieve the objectives of this Convention and, where appropriate, shall gather and disseminate information.
Article IX
Settlement of Disputes
1. If there is any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this Convention, or if a contracting party considers that any action by another contracting party is in conflict with the obligations of the latter under Articles V and VI of this Convention, especially regarding the basis of prohibiting or restricting the imports of plants or plant products coming from its territories, the Government or Governments concerned may request the Director-General of FAO to appoint a committee to consider the question in dispute.
2. The Director-General of FAO shall thereupon, after consultation with the Governments concerned, appoint a committee of experts which shall include representatives of those Governments. This committee shall consider the question in dispute, caking into account all documents and other forms of evidence submitted by the Governments concerned. This committee shall submit a report co the Director-General of FAO, who shall transmit it to the Governments concerned and to the Governments of other contracting parties.
3. The contracting parties agree that the recommendations of such a committee, while not binding in character, will become the basis for renewed consideration by the Governments concerned of the matter out of which the disagreement arose.
4. The Governments concerned shall share equally the expenses of the experts.
Article X
Substitution of Prior Agreements
This Convention shall terminate and replace, between contracting parties, the International Convention respecting measures to be taken against the Phylloxera vastatrix of

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